Hand Towel Systems

Razvoj aplikacije Hygiene Eye sufinanciran je sredstvima Europske unije iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj.
How to keep washrooms clean in a smart way
Some buildings are open 24/7, others may close in a certain period. You wouldn’t want to spare your hygiene consumables when they are necessary or waste them when they are not needed. Most hygiene systems that work continuously are limited in their programming flexibility.
Hygiene Eye is a smart technology that controls, monitors and manages individual hygiene systems in washrooms while cutting waste, cost and inefficiency.
Remotely monitor product usage and get notified when each dispenser is low on refill or power
Real time monitoring of footfall helps ensure clean washrooms and dispensers well stocked and ready to use
Cost efficiency management is the key – reduce waste, improve efficiency and ensure high level of customer satisfaction
Hygiene Eye allows washroom managers to keep an eye on footfall in washrooms, monitor product usage in real-time and control dispenser operation
Hygiene Eye gives extra control and optimises the dispensing system to give maximum value